Rep. Mike Simpson
U.S. Congressman
"Josh Wheeler has proven himself to be an effective lawmaker and leader who studies the issues and votes with a conservative conscience. He knows firsthand the importance of keeping taxes low and empowering local government. Josh has my full endorsement, and I would encourage all my supporters in his district to vote for Josh Wheeler in the May 21st Primary Election."

Sean & Jessi Coletti
City of Ammon Mayor (Sean)
"We are proud to endorse Josh Wheeler for the Idaho House of Representatives. Josh is extremely smart, and thoughtfully and deliberately approaches every decision he has to make on the Ammon City Council. He listens, and he cares. He communicates extremely well with people. He has incredible empathy. We have always found him to have a strong desire to do the right thing in every instance. This is the type of person we should all want representing us. We are so happy he wants to continue to serve Idaho in a representative capacity."

Scott Hall
City of Ammon Attorney
"I have worked with Josh as an Ammon City Councilman for the last two years. Josh is very thoughtful with his questions, which allows him to clearly understand the issues on which he has to make decisions. This allows him to be reasoned in his decisions. He understands budgets and he works hard to understand the effects that decisions he makes will have on budgets. Josh is a very quick learner who is willing to give the time necessary to understand and find solutions to problems. Josh is very approachable and has been great to work with."

Trent and Leisle Rose
Professor and Small Business Owner
"Josh Wheeler is the definition of authenticity and integrity. His character is consistent under any circumstance and he can always be trusted to do the right thing. His commitment to creating the ideal environment for our community has become part of who he is. He's selfless, analytical, intelligent, and fearless. There's no one better suited to represent us."

Jeffrey Bone
Local Educator
"I’ve known Josh for 13 years: ever since my wife and I moved into our neighborhood. I was his families home teacher for several years, which gave me an intimate look into his family and a direct window into what kind of man Josh is. I’ve celebrated the birth of children with him and cried with him at the loss of one of those same children. The service, leadership, and devotion he dedicated to his family will easily translate into the same for us…the voters of Eastern Idaho."

Allan and Trina Landon
"Josh Wheeler is a great community leader. He has a vested
interest in preserving and improving our state legislature.
Josh grew up in Eastern Idaho and established his family
and career in his hometown. Josh knows the issues that
affect our area and has proved to be a great communicator
as a City Councilman. He is willing to serve the community
and is someone we trust to have our best interest at heart.
He is an excellent father and a great neighbor. We support
his endeavors to run for our State legislature."

Nate & Heidi Boyle and Family
"We are supporting Joshua Wheeler for Idaho House of Representatives District 35. We have known Candidate Wheeler for over 12 years and raised our family here in Ammon, Idaho along side him and his wife, Laramie, and their children. We have watched them participate and serve in our community in so many ways. Candidate Wheeler holds strong family values and wants to be a voice for our community and for all of Southeastern Idaho. He has the passion and drive to ensure that our voice is heard at the state capitol. Candidate Wheeler is our choice for District 35!"

Kristi Carlquist
"Over the past 5 years I have witnessed Josh uphold his commitment and conviction as a citizen to fulfill his civic duties as a resident of Ammon, Idaho. While serving on the City Council, Josh has abided by the procedures and rules pertaining to his office. He has openly offered to the citizens pertinent information and an incredibly “open door” policy with his constituents. One of Josh’s best traits is his ability to listen intently with a focus on understanding not only the message being conveyed, but also the messenger. It is Josh’s exceptional abilities, intense intellect, and willingness to sacrifice his time for the betterment and service of Idaho that make him the perfect candidate."

Stephanie Mickelsen
"Josh Wheeler is a committed public servant and a friend. Josh is dedicated, knowledgeable and most importantly, has unshakeable integrity. Josh has been great for the city of Ammon and will be effective in the legislature. Eastern Idaho is facing unprecedented growth and without solid leadership we will fail to rise to the current challenges. Josh Wheeler is a good man, a successful business owner, father and public servant who has been prepared well to serve our state at this critical time."

Kent & Larraine Taylor
Farmer and Educator
"We have known Joshua Wheeler most of his life and are so honored and eager to endorse him for the Idaho House of Representatives. Joshua is a man of integrity, an honest and successful businessman, highly intelligent, wise, and well-balanced. He is methodical and fair-minded in his decision-making process. He has a calming effect on even the worst of situations, has exceptional people skills, and has a marvelous sense of humor. Josh is an exemplary family man; and he loves this community, which has been unbelievably supportive of him and Laramie and their family. We could not do better than to have him represent us!"

Jon Goode
"Josh Wheeler is a caring, competent, and enthusiastic individual who constantly seeks the best interest of his community. Having the opportunity to spend a good bit of time with Josh the past few months, I’ve been impressed with both his passion for family and business acumen in operating his electrical company. As an Ammon City Councilman, Josh takes a common-sense, methodical approach to evaluate and address a variety of municipal challenges/opportunities and is clearly an asset to that group. I’m confident these traits will serve Josh well as a Legislator in tackling a myriad of complex issues facing the Great State of Idaho as we move forward to an even better future. Please join me in voting for Josh Wheeler in the May 17th primary election."

Stan and Joy Boyle
"We wholeheartedly support Josh Wheeler for the Idaho House of Representatives for District #35. Having known Josh for his lifetime and also his parents and grandparents we are well acquainted with not only his personal integrity from his youth but of a heritage of love for family and country.
We know Josh to be a man of his word. What he says is what he does. There is no double talk. He is a man that we can trust to make decisions that will benefit us, our children and grandchildren.
He is a conservative who knows the value of our tax dollars. The tax dollars he will be responsible for is not just our tax dollars but his tax dollars also therefore he will continue to be fiscally conservative.
Josh knows the value of education and the need for excellent schools that promote opportunities to help our youth become contributing citizens to our communities and our economy.
We greatly appreciate the genuine interest that Josh shows to all. Josh is a great listener who values all views in order to make good decisions and form plans for the best actions needed to go forward."

Michael and Marla Biddulph
"I am happy to endorse Josh Wheeler for the Idaho House of Representatives. I know him well. He has great integrity and a passion for making Eastern Idaho a better place. He is willing to discuss difficult issues with respect and intelligence. He is pro-education. He and his wife, Laramie, are amazing people and they have already made a huge difference in our community."

Ryan and Suzanne Meikle
"We’ve known Josh Wheeler for more than 20 years. We’ve always known Josh to be someone who is thoughtful, kind, articulate, and honest. We believe Josh will strive to make decisions that are in the best interest of businesses, and more importantly, he will make decisions that are in the best interest of families in our area."

Connie Finck
"I attended a meeting with Josh introducing himself and his platform. I had heard him speak in other meetings and was impressed how he handled himself. I was a small business owner and so is he, so I believe we need a representative who knows and understands the needs of what makes this state and country run. I agree with all his conservative ideas about pro-life, small government, 2nd amendment rights, and allowing our state to determine our children's school curriculum. I hope all will vote in the primary and look at his opponents voting record to see what they are really voting for. Our children's lives are at a crossroads and they need conservative values with a standard of real truth not perceived truth."

Bart Davis
"I have known Josh Wheeler’s family for most of my life. Wheelers are some of the hardest working, honest, and most genuine people in Idaho. And Josh follows that same mold! He will bring common sense and conservative values to the Statehouse, which will keep Idaho as a great place to raise a family and run a business. Josh has my full support, and I ask you to give him yours too."

Jeff Sayer
"If Idaho and our communities want to compete in today’s economy, we must invest in our people and infrastructure. Those timeless business principles create economic leaders in our world.
Supporting local communities with infrastructure solutions and creating pipelines of skilled talent for our businesses are paramount priorities for Idaho. As a business leader, Josh understands why these are so important. His seasoned experience will bring refreshing and leading insights that our state desperately needs."

Brandon & Alisa Bitner
"We've known Josh for over 10 years. I worked closely with him through our MBA program and other avenues. He's honest, sincere, caring, and confident. He knows and lives good values, and he cares about people and cares for people. He can focus on the one and focus on the many. I'm very confident that Josh will look out for me and for my family and for our community. He has extensive experience running a successful business and a successful home, both of which will translate well into his community efforts. I whole heartedly endorse Josh and have zero hesitation in that. He loves this area and will listen to us and do what's best for us."

Daniel Page
"Josh Wheeler is a great man, reasonable and rational with well balanced common sense. His wife and children are some of the finest and most brilliant people I’ve ever met—an extension of him. His pro-education stance thrills me. He understands education is the bright light of our future. My wife and I offer him our unqualified endorsement!"

Kelley Packer
"McCammon, it's time for a fresh start. Idaho needs thoughtful, hardworking leaders in the legislature. That's why I support Josh Wheeler!"

Lynn and Sue Chadwick
I have known Josh Wheeler for his entire life as a Southeast Idaho native and have known and worked in a business and community environment with him, his parents and grandparents. Through three generations, I’ve known the Wheelers to have unflinching integrity, a wholesome work ethic, a passion for family values and a love for their community.
As a business owner, Josh understands the role of business and will bring common sense, honesty and integrity to the legislative process and defend our citizen’s rights. More importantly, Josh is a level headed, thoughtful, consensus builder who values other’s opinions and will work tirelessly to find common solutions that work for his constituents. He shows respect for all while seeking solutions to difficult issues and problems.
Josh is a man of his word and honest citizens of all political persuasions can trust him to be logical, informed and reasoned in his approach to the legislative process. He is knowledgeable regarding our constitutional rights, responsibilities, privileges and a fierce defender of the U.S. Constitution. He is a fiscal conservative with a desire to make our community better and support educational initiatives which will secure the future of our community for our children and grandchildren.
My wife, Sue, and I wholeheartedly support Josh Wheeler to fill the Legislative District 35B House Seat.